My Magical Mermaid Set

My Magical Mermaid Set


A magical mermaid in her own underwater lagoon, your very own mermaid swims, dips and dives in beautiful dances that mesmerise. Simply drop your Robo Mermaid into the water and she comes to life to spiral and dance in life like movements. Water activated, your dancing mermaid swims in four different directions inside her water wonderland that’s lit by glimmering LED’s for an enchanting under-the-sea experience.

Robofish My Magical Mermaid playsetSet includes one magical mermaid and one water wonderlandMermaid swims in four directionsLifelike movementsLED light illuminates the water wonderlandWater activatedAssembled Dimensions: 16.5L x 16.5W x 36.8H cmMermaid size: 12cm(H) x 5cm(W)Mermaid requires 2 x LR44 batteries( please note that mermaid comes preloaded with two batteries and two further bonus batteries are included)Water wonderland requires 2 x AA batteries (not included)Power save modeSuitable for ages 3yrs+

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